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2000 Annual Awards Banquet
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Dr. Davis (Master again) presides over a special award....

...given to Miles Weidner for over 15 years of service to MBBC.

Congratulations Miles!

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...Coffee Pot? Does it have horns?

Jim Finch awards the Emerson Trophy to Pat Zachary

Tome Noone receives the double handed trophy.

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...me thinks Linda's tired of waiting...

but once they get started..

their cruising awards are well received!

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... Linda's makin' sure there ain't no trophy with her name on it with horns.

The whole group

Steve Payea receiving the award for "anchoring style".

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In traditional cruising style, "and the winner is.....

....all of us!

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...he's back!

...cruzin's fun...

Mr. Dickerson... presenting the racing awards

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Jim Finch...

...Heather Rowe

Best Woman sailor to the whole team. Heather, Kate and Ann Brush, Tammy Oulette

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...oh dear...

a new moose...

...she needs a name...

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and all agree... she's forever more known as "Mark Moose"...

and the show begins...

..first up is....  Jason (I can land anything) Payea...

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come on Jason....

....Mark can fix the bow of Bark Ode... it's just a little fiberglass...

...but the Dock Doctor...

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...had to reset the dockhouse...

Hey Heather...looks like a good fit to me! 

Ain't they cute...

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port... starboard... borrowed boat.. broken mast... damaged hull... gold metal...

...all that and more...

...but sadly... once again... our most treasured trophy goes to Mark "Moosehead" Gardner... and for what....

...leading the fleet to the wrong side of the windward mark?...
or is it just a given that he wins it every so often....

...you can never tell...
... when YOU may get the honor of wearing the moosehat!


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